Zambia Alliance for Agro-ecology and Biodiversity says the new proposed plant breeders rights bill availed to stakeholders on 15th April 2024 for consultations will increase control and market of multinational seed companies.
Addressing the media today, ZAAB Board Chairperson Vladir Chilimya says the bill goes against all principals of good governance, national interest and farmer’s rights.
He has disclosed that the new PBR Bill has not been initiated by national interest but multinational seed companies with the backing of foreign governments whose motive is to make the money to be made in controlling and owing Zambia’s diverse seeds.
Mr. Chilimya says the new proposed bill discriminates against the small scale farmers targeting them unnecessarily with substantial fees and policing mechanisms and criminalizing farmers rights to save and re-use seed.
He says there is in fact no compelling reason for repealing the current PBR Act which was only enacted in 2007 and has not yet been fully implemented. Commitments to ensure the equal protection of Farmers’ Rights, as opposed to private Breeders’ Rights, as per International Obligations under the ITPGRFA are long outstanding.
According to Mr. Chilimya the short notice, so-called consultation meeting completely lacked the participation of commercial and smallholder farmer representations; market, consumer, nutrition and wider public sector interests’ groups; research institutions, lawyers, related line ministries etc. Of the approximately 23 people present, only 4 were women, all from ZAAB partnership.
He says ZAAB explicitly notes it’s disappointment in SCCI which has continued to push the agenda of UPOV. The constant justification of proposed changes based on UPOV’s suggestions throughout the text and discussions is unjustifiable. It exposes the pitiful lack of support for farmers actual needs to ensure a diverse, healthy Zambian food systems and robust Zambia agriculture sector.
ZAAB affirms that the new proposed PBR Bill in its entirety is inappropriate for Zambia and must be rejected. The proposal for a new Act has not been necessitated by national interest, but by foreign corporate and private interests. It fundamentally negates farmers Rights, and neglects diverse needs of Zambia’s seed sector.
And Community Technology Development Trust Executive Director Charles Nkhoma says the new proposed plant breeders rights bill will force farmers to buy seeds every year which will endanger food security.