MFL signs MOU with The Nature Conservancy

By Mabvuto Banda

The Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to implement freshwater fisheries and aquatic conservation projects in the Kafue basin ecosystems.

The signing of the MoU is aimed at promoting cooperation between the Ministry and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to safeguard freshwater resources and the fisheries that support ecosystem health, biodiversity protection, livelihood security and nutrition.

Speaking during the signing ceremony in Lusaka at Latitude 15 hotel, Fisheries and Livestock Permanent Secretary Engineer Himba Cheelo says the signing of the MoU is a testament to the commitment of the two parties’ quest to foster the development of the fisheries sub sector through strengthened collaboration and partnerships.

“My ministry takes cognizance of the important role the nature conservancy plays in supplementing government efforts in the implementation of various programs and strategies aimed at developing the fisheries and aquaculture sub sector” she said.

And Nature Conservancy Country Director, Rob Munro, says his organization is excited to collaborate with the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock in supporting efforts to conserve and sustainably manage valuable resources such as fisheries.

Mr. MUNRO says the MoU will go a long way in contributing to TNC’s global goals to conserve one million kilometers of rivers and 30 million hectares of wetlands by 2030.

“As a main pillar of its community conservation initiatives, TNC is supporting improved fisheries governance through the formation of community-based fisheries management and conservation towards the development of robust community led fisheries management plans,” Munro added.

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