In a significant development for conservation efforts in Manyinga’s Kashinakaji area, the Lunga West Conservation Project, based in Kalumbila, has successfully rehabilitated 12 housing units and an office building for the Department of National Park and Wildlife (DNPW).
The total cost of this rehabilitation project amounted to K 900,000. The handover ceremony was officiated by Manyinga Town Council Chairperson Henry Sakuwaha and District administration officials.
Mr. Sakuwaha emphasized that the rehabilitation of the housing units and office space aligns with the New Dawn Government’s vision of utilizing Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a vehicle for service delivery.
He expressed concern over the high incidence of illegal poaching in game management areas, adding that government remain committed to addressing the issue.
He also encouraged youths to take advantage of the expanded Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to access various forms of financial assistance, such as skills training, school bursaries, and loans and grants, as a means to deter illegal poaching.
Mr. Sakuwaha underscored the critical role of the Department of National Park and Wildlife under the Ministry of Tourism in the preservation of natural resources, particularly animals and trees.
He also emphasized the government’s concern regarding the indiscriminate cutting of trees in protected game management areas, calling for collaborative efforts from traditional leadership and the community to address the issue.
Lunga West game management Area Warden Lutangu Mulope expressed gratitude for the rehabilitation of the housing units, noting that it will enhance the operations of the Department of National Park and Wildlife, particularly in law enforcement, by ensuring that officers are not inconvenienced in terms of accommodation.
He commended the Lunga West Conservation Project for its continued support to the department.
Park Manager Dorian Tilbury of the Lunga West Conservation Project pledged continued support to the Department of National Park and Wildlife, emphasizing the critical role of preserving natural resources in preventing climate change.
Additionally, Mr. Tilbury donated office furniture to the health post within the camp, further demonstrating the project’s commitment to supporting conservation efforts.
The event was attended by Senior Chief Sikufele of Manyinga and Kabompo Districts and several leaders in the game management areas, signifying the widespread support and collaboration for these conservation initiatives.