Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

Immigration charges fake immigration officers

By shout zambia May8,2024

The Lusaka Regional Immigration Office has charged two Zambians, Timothy Kampamba (26) of Kapiri Mposhi and Abraham Mulenga (30) of Lusaka’s Lilanda for impersonating a public Officer, contrary to section 102 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The Regional Immigration Office was alerted to the duo’s illegal activities on 7th May, 2024 when an alert member of the public called to establish whether the Office was conducting an operation in Barlastone Park area, after an encounter he had with the fake Officers raised suspicion.

The Officers rushed to the scene where they found the suspects in Police custody. Investigations later revealed that the individuals had been raiding foreign owned shops presenting themselves as Immigration Officers to extort money from the unsuspecting foreign nationals.

Timothy Kampamba was in a full immigration uniform and was found with a fake Immigration Identity Cards, a fake Office of the President Identity Card, One Thousand Kwacha cash and three cell phones.

Meanwhile, Abraham Mulenga who was driving a Toyota Corolla Vehicle Registration Number ABZ 504 used to commit the offence was found with one cell phone. The Vehicle has been impounded and all items found in the suspects’ possession confiscated to assist with investigations.  The suspects are detained pending prosecution.

Meanwhile, the Department of Immigration in Lusaka has charged a 30-year-old Zambian of Lusaka’s Vorna Valley, Lawrence Musonda Chileshe, with illegal consultancy and uttering a false document contrary to section 47(1) of the Immigration and Deportation Act Number 18 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia and section 352 of the Penal code chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, respectively.

He was arrested 30th April, 2024 at Immigration Headquarters following investigations into allegations that he conducted the profession of an immigration consultant when he obtained a sum of K 7,000 as payment for submission of an application for a Study Permit on behalf of a named Congolese Student, which submission he did not make.

He went on to issue a fake Government receipt to the unsuspecting Congolese student, purporting that it was issued by the Department of Immigration, when in fact not. He is on Police Bond pending prosecution.

Further, the Department of Immigration in Nakonde on 7th May, 2024 secured the conviction of ten (10) Ethiopians for failing to appear before the nearest Immigration Officer on entry. They were each sentenced to pay a fine of K 5,000 or nine months simple imprisonment.

They are among the 15 undocumented immigrants (13 Ethiopians and two Somalis) who were apprehended on 30th April, 2024 after Immigration Officers found them concealed in a Lusaka-bound rice-laden trailer of a Truck belonging to Time Trucking Limited.

The truck was being driven by 47-year-old Zambian truck Driver Victor Matabula.  The Driver was charged with aiding and abetting the undocumented immigrants and he and the remaining undocumented immigrants are expected to appear before court today.

The Nakonde Court outcome brought the number of convictions secured by the Department of Immigration between 30th April, 2024 and 7th May, 2024 to 59.

Furthermore, the Department of Immigration between 30th April, 2024 and 7th May, 2024 apprehended 177 persons for various immigration offences countrywide, removed 92 illegal immigrants from the country and refused 20 foreign nationals entry into the country for failing to meet entry requirements.

The Department has released numerous warnings against fake immigration officers. We wish to reiterate these warnings against impersonators posing as immigration officers harassing unsuspecting foreign nationals and extorting money from them.

Immigration Public Relations Officer Namati Nshinka has urged the members of the public to contact the nearest immigration office whenever in doubt of the identity of any person presenting themselves as an immigration officer to avoid falling prey to these criminals.

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