Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

Governmnent eager to support climate change mitigation initiatives

By shout zambia May23,2024

…………commends World Vision for the FMNR initiative which will help restore degraded forests

The Ministry of Green Economy and Environment has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting initiatives that promote sustainable development in mitigating the effects of climate change.

Officiating at the launch of the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) scale up business, Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu, has commended World Vision Zambia for an initiative which will help restore the degraded land and create a great future for the rural communities.

And Mr. Nzovu, disclosed that the FMNR scale up plan is meant to transform the lives of those who are dependant on forests which are a largest contributor to household incomes.

He added that initiatives such as the FMNR, seek to reduce on such activities and contribute significantly to positive mitigation of climate change.

Mr. Nzovu , further called for concerted efforts in reducing the negative impacts of climate change which he said are slowing down the country’s development.

The minister however, revealed that the FMNR project is in line with the government’s policy reforms which are aimed at strengthening environmental protection and how to management.

“Promoting climate-smart farming methods will help us as government, through the ministry of agriculture and ministry of green economy and environment to educate our farmers on sustainable practices”. He said.

Mr. Nzovu, has since emphasized that the project is expected to bring together diverse expertise and resources adding that collaborative efforts are crucial in the fight against climate change.

The minister said this in a speech read on his behalf by ministry of green economy and environment permanent secretary, Dr. Douty Chibamba.

And speaking earlier, Representative, National Director, World Vision Zambia, Faith Ngoza Kabaso, said the FMNR launch will help to empower communities by involving them in restoring lands and foster a sense of stewardship over the natural resources.

Ms. Kabaso stated that the initiative will however promote the widespread adoption of the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) and mobilize resources.

Meanwhile, Ms. Kabaso expressed optimism that World Vision is committed to restoring the 1billion hectares of degraded land globally.

She added that FMNR improves fertility of the soil which in turn provides farmers with increased income due to better crop productivity.

Zambia is among the countries in Southern Africa that are facing the impacts of climate change due to the long dry spell which has posed a devastating panic to many people, especially farmers.

Earlier this year, World Vision Australia, Principal Climate Action Advisor, Tony Rinaudo, advised that the FMNR initiative was a cheap and sustainable way of restoring forests to replace the costly replantation of trees to mitigate the effects of climate change ,hence the need to adopt it.

Mr. Rinaudo explained that practice of tree pruning involves thinning the shoots from tree stumps or wild saplings to rapidly foster their growth into mature trees.

The Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a technical practice and community development approach used to restore forests using what is primarily already in the landscape.

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