The Drug Enforcement Commission has announced the release of the Bombardier Global Express aircraft, implicated in the Gold Scandal last year following meticulous legal processes.
DEC Director General Nason Banda says the Commission has the power to release the property where investigations reveal that it is not subject to forfeiture, in accordance with the laws of Zambia.
Mr.Banda says there is a provision for third parties to apply to the court for release of any seized property upon satisfying the court that they are innocent and had nothing to do with whatever offense that led to the seizure.
Mr.Banda said the owners of the aircraft made presentations in court, and following these presentations, the Director of Public Prosecutions and the other parties entered into an agreement which resulted in the court signing a consent judgment.
Meanwhile, Mr.Banda has disclosed that the commission has seized and forfeited over K800 Million deemed to be proceeds of crime from various cases that have been concluded by the courts of law and the money has since been deposited in the government-controlled accounts.