Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

Zambia at risk of drought prone diseases-FAO

By shout zambia Jul15,2024

Samuel Mbewe

Lusaka-Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations- FAO- says Biosafety and Biosecurity are crucial especially as Zambia is in a state of disaster and emergency due to El Niño-induced drought and is therefore at risk of drought prone diseases.

Speaking during the Biosafety and Biosecurity Inter-Regional Workshop in Lusaka, FAO Representative in Zambia Suze Filippini says unfortunately, the importance of Biorisk Management in veterinary laboratories is often underestimated and sustainable biosafety and biosecurity systems are inadequately established.

Ms. Filippini has observed the need to evaluate and enhance the implementation of Biosafety and Biosecurity national roadmaps across the West,Central Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa regions.

She said Zambia has made efforts in equipment procurement and curriculum development for Biosafety and Biosecurity training, aligned with international best practices.

Ms. Fillipini says despite the progress challenges persist particularly highlighted by recent anthrax outbreaks.

And officiating at the workshop, Ministry of Livestock and fisheries Assistant Director Field and veterinary services Dr. Fusya Goma says veterinary laboratories are vital not only for animal health but also for ensuring food safety and prevention of zoonotic diseases in humans.

She says despite their crucial role, the importance of robust Biorisk Management in these laboratories is often underestimated, and actions to establish sustainable biosafety and biosecurity systems have been insufficient.

Dr. Goma says the workshop will serve as a critical platform for addressing these gaps and bolstering our collective capacity.

She says the FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has been instrumental in this regard.

“Their tools to assess and enhance the capacities and capabilities of our laboratories, particularly concerning biosafety and biosecurity, have paved the way for targeted and effective interventions, says Dr. Goma.

And speaking at the same event International Animal Health Consultant Misheck Mulumba has noted the need for African countries to  strengthen their  biosafety and biosecurity protocols to fight any possible outbreak of  animal diseases.

Dr .Mulumba says the changing global environment entails that Africa moves at the same pace as the rest of the continents in fighting animal diseases.

He has further notes the need for a proper system to monitor progress and effective implementation of biosafety and biosecurity in veterinary laboratories.

“A broader system of biosecurity is cardinal for countries like Zambia in its quest to export animals that are disease free, said Dr Mulumba.

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