Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

UNESCO pledges support to Zambia in fighting climate change

By shout zambia May3,2024

UNITED Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Zambia Team leader Alice Saili says the institution is committed to helping Zambia address environmental issues in line with the country’s 8th National Development Plan (8NDP).

Ms Saili was speaking when she officially opened the 2024 National Media Conference in commemoration of the World Press Freedom Day in Lusaka today.

She said the role of the media is not only promoting environmental sustainability but also driving positive behavior change for a better environment.

“Media can help create awareness about environmental challenges and lead the narrative by reporting with authority,” she said.

Ms Saili noted that through effective story telling people and stakeholders will learn on how to care about environmental issues.

Meanwhile, Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Director for Green Economy and Climate Change Ephraim Shitima noted that responding to climate change means people should adopt to the different impacts of climatic changes.

Mr Shitima advised journalists reporting on effects of climate change by addressing the issues from the root cause for people to understand and appreciate.

He said journalists should write messages of importance that will help address issues of climate change and further encouraged them to write stories that will help preserve the country from different changes in weather patterns.

This year’s Word Press Freedom Day is been commemorated under the theme ‘A Press for the planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis.’

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