LIFELINE Childline Organisation in Chadiza District has called on other stakeholders to invest in the establishment of youth friendly corners.
Chadiza District Programmes Officer Clayford Musute says the move will help address the increasing number of teen pregnancies, early marriages and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in the District.
Speaking at an Adolescent Girls workshop in Chadiza district, Mr Musute expressed concern at the high number of girls affected by the said vices, attributed to inadequate social amenities.
He said engaging in premarital sex is becoming common due to lack of such social facilities to keep young people busy.
“We have a programme under our auspices, which is looking at issues of financial management, children’s rights, formation of clubs in schools, family communication and love among others,” he explained.
Mr Musute added that the Organisation is further sensitising both parents and children on matters of child trafficking in order to protect the young people.
And one of the Mentors, Margaret Sakala, said trainings are held weekly at Chadiza Clinic and that the programme is gaining momentum as many girls attend classes to learn about reproductive health.
“At first, the girls were shunning the classes thinking we wanted to take them back to school, which is our interest too,” she revealed.
The workshop attracted 20 participants from various communities including Chagunda, Yobe and Zingalume villages in Zingalume Chiefdoms.